Pioneer Games Events & Descriptions

Begins Sat., October 7 at 10:30 a.m.
Mandatory team meeting at 10 a.m.

Creekfront Park

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(3 members per team)


To split a whole log into eight (8) good rails.  You may have three (3) team members signed onto this event, however, you need not use all three (3).  They are there if needed and must tag out in order to take a  break.


(2 members per team) (all teams together) (1 man & 1 woman)


To toss the egg the farthest.  Toss the egg from one team member to another.  One member will maintain a spot behind a rope and the other member will be moved farther back after each successfully completed toss.

If the egg is not caught, and touches the ground you will be disqualified.

In case of a tie, will continue to toss until there is a winner.


(2 members per team) (timed event) (1 man & 1 woman)


This is a timed event.  Purpose is to saw section from a log in minimum time.  Saws will be provided or teams may use their own.  All crosscut saws must have cutters and drags.  NO HOT SAWS.  Team members in this event MUST participate in at least one other pioneer game event.


(2 members per team)


Teams will compete to fill their containers which will be provided.

No corn cob or any other object/s can be in the can after the event is over.

Team members DO NOT have to tag out–member # 2 is there as backup if needed.


(2 members per team) (total points) (1 man & 1 woman)


Each team member will get four (4) horseshoes to toss at a stake a distance of  twenty-five (25) feet for women and thirty (30) feet for men.

Points will be scored as follows:

  • Ringer counts 5 points.
  • Leaner counts 3 points.
  • 1 point is allowed for a horseshoe that is no more than a horseshoe width at its widest point from the stake.

In case of a tie, a member from each team will get to toss one (1) shoe at the stake.  If there is no winner after the first toss, they will continue with one horseshoe until there is a winner.


(3 members per team) (Head to Head) (2 men & 1 woman)


To heat a container of water over an open fire.  The first team to bring their water to a rolling boil over the top of the container wins.  The WOMAN must get the water from the creek AND the WOMAN will also carry the matches.


Wood, containers, matches, bricks and grates will be provided.

No paper or special starters shall be used.

Hatchets, axes and/or knives may be used to make kindling.

Water will come from the creek and must be fetched in the container provided by the Games director.

Fire cannot be started until the women return from the creek with the water and the matches (women must carry the matches when they go for the water).

Starting positions will be lined up in reverse order from the one that is closest to the creek.  Women will be inverted to the one that is the farthest from the creek due to the fact when they return from the creek, the closest team has a shorter distance.

Woodpiles will be drawn for.


(4 members per team) (head to head) (3 men 1 woman)


Pass a wooden spoon in a relay over a prescribed racecourse.


Teams will compete in single elimination heats (blind draw).

The prescribed course must be followed.  All spoons will be provided.

The spoon must be handed from team member to team member.  The last team member must cross the finish line with the spoon.  The first team to cross the finish line will be declared the winner.  (The team member who runs the section with the water hole MUST go in between the two poles and may touch the poles.  The team member who runs the square rail box, one foot MUST touch the ground within the box (if not, that team is disqualified)

Teams will flip for sides and you must remain on the side that you chose or the side that was assigned to you.  You CANNOT cross over into the other team’s lane (if you do, your team is disqualified).


(6 Members per team) (head to head) (5 men & 1 woman)


Pull opposing team past a predetermined point. Last team standing wins.


Teams will compete head to head in single elimination heats (blind draw).

The winner of each pull will be the team that pulls the opposing team beyond a point designated by the judges.


THERE WILL BE NO LYING DOWN (you must remain on your feet at all times.  Lying down will result in team’s disqualification.)

If you fall down, you must get back on your feet.  If you make no attempt to get to your feet on your own, or after the judge requests that you do so, your team will be disqualified.

Teams will line up behind and between the chalk lines and told to grasp the rope.  Judges will announce to “begin pulling”.

There will be a ten (10) minute time limit.  The team that has moved the centerline of the rope across a point agreed upon by the Captains is a winner.

All teams must keep the rope off of the side poles, and, if any one teams assist with the rope touching side poles, they will be disqualified.

There will be NO CLEATS or TURF SHOES of any kind.



(1 member per team) (head to head)


To remain astride the pole.


You try to stay astride a pole while trying to cause your opponent to fall off.  Neither opponent may touch the pole with their hands at anytime.

Each competitor will be provided a pillow to be used to attempt to dislodge the opponent.  Competitors are NOT ALLOWED to touch the opponent with anything other than the pillow provided.  Any touching of the pole, the stands, or the other competitor will be cause for disqualification.


(1 member per team) (head to head)


To remain astride the pole.


You try to stay astride a pole while trying to cause your opponent to fall off.  Neither opponent may touch the pole with their hands at anytime.

Each competitor will be provided a pillow to be used to attempt to dislodge the opponent.  Competitors are NOT ALLOWED to touch the opponent with anything other than the pillow provided.  Any touching of the pole, the stands, or the other competitor will be cause for disqualification.


(8 members per team) (head to head) (7 men & 1 woman)


To fill a fifty-five gallon barrel in minimum time.


Teams will compete in single elimination heats (blind draw).

Game director will provide all equipment.  Each team will use only 2, 3 or 4 buckets (number to be decided by captains or by number of buckets available to the Game director) to obtain water  from the creek to fill the barrel.  The team whose barrel runs over first with a steady stream of water will be declared the winner.  (You are allowed to touch the barrel.)

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