About Us

“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.
I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.”

A. Lincoln

With a sense of pride the citizens of LaRue County formally established Lincoln Days Celebration, Inc.:

Lincoln Days Celebration, Inc. was chartered in 1975 as a non-profit, non-partisan organization. It was established for the purpose of celebrating the birth of Abraham Lincoln in an appropriate manner, to create an awareness of his values and influences upon this nation, and further the cultural, economic and civic interests of LaRue County.

Come join with us in the Lincoln family as we celebrate the birth and birthplace of President Abraham Lincoln.

Please note: 

Lincoln Days is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian, and non-profit organization. As such, Lincoln Days does not take part nor support the election or appointment of any candidate for public office, local or county ordnance, or any political interest.

The Lincoln Days name nor its Board of Directors in their official capabilities will not support or provide any connection with a commercial concern, partisan interest, election, or for any purpose other than the work directly related to Lincoln Days.

Participation in Lincoln Days does not imply an endorsement by Lincoln Days Celebration, Inc.

About Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America was born February 12, 1809.  His birthplace was a simple log cabin on a farm located near Hodgen’s Mill, Kentucky (now known as Hodgenville, LaRue County, Kentucky).

Humble beginnings, at best, for a man who would become one of the greatest statesmen known to this country and to the world. Lincoln was blessed with solid values, a sense of humor and ambition.

Lincoln, with little formal education, established himself as an attorney, an accomplished politician and a moral leader.  He also demonstrated pride. Pride in the place where he was born. In his memoirs he wrote with pride of his earliest memories of the place of his birth.

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