53rd Annual Lincoln Days Art Show


Please join us for our 53rd Annual Lincoln Days Art Show!
Lincoln Museum Community Room – Town Square

Submissions accepted:
Sunday, Sept. 15 through Monday, Sept. 30

Opening Reception:
Thursday, October 3, 2024 from 5-7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to attend our opening reception.
Bring a friend!

Exhibit Open to the Public:
Saturday, October 5 from 10 AM to 4 PM
Sunday, October 6 from 1 PM to 4 PM

2023 Lincoln Days Art Show Winners


Lincoln Division

Drew Johnson Memorial
Lincoln Days is honored to present a $1,000 First Place Lincoln Division Purchase Award in memory of our friend, Drew Johnson, head designer at Keith Monument, and a longtime participant in this show.

Entries in this division are open to artist’s original concept of any phase of Abraham Lincoln’s life or legacy.

Drew Johnson Memorial Award $1,000 Purchase Prize
sponsored by Keith Monument

$1,000 – First Place PURCHASE Award
$300 – Second Place Award

  • Purchase Winner becomes part of Lincoln Days Collection on permanent display at The Lincoln Museum. There are currently 52 pieces in this unique collection.
  • Lincoln Days gains all reproduction rights to the Purchase Winner.
  • $10 entry fee per work.

Open Division

Any medium. Any subject. Artist’s original work.
$200 – First Place Award
$100 – Second Place Award
$ 10 entry fee per work.

Photography Division

All rules and fees listed below and listed on the official entry form apply to this division.
Any Subject. Artist Original Work.
First Place Award – $50
$10 entry fee per work.

LaRue County Division

Any medium. Any subject. Artist’s original work.
$50 People’s Choice Award
$10 entry fee per work.

Open to LaRue County residents age 17 and older, this division will showcase the talents of our many local artists.

Number of entries may be limited due to space available.


Works must be original. NO photo mechanically reproduced prints. NO items made from kits. NO items purchased and decorated. Classroom work is acceptable, but must be artist’s original concept.

Entries must be equipped with wire, ready to hang.

Entries must be suitably framed.
Do not use sawtooth hangers.

No more than 36” wide.
No more than 75 pounds.

Three-dimensional works must be self-supporting or have companion stand.

Lincoln Days, Inc. will exercise the right to reject any work.


Thank you to Keith Monument for sponsoring Drew Johnson Memorial Award $1,000 Purchase Prize.

Thank you to The Lincoln Museum for their sponsorship of the Lincoln Days Art Show and for hosting the exhibit in The Lincoln Museum Community Room.

Thank you to LaRue-Carey Insurance Group for also sponsoring this year’s Lincoln Days Art Show.


See a list of previous winners of the Lincoln Days Art Show

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