One of the original events of Lincoln Days is the annual Art Show. In the beginning, the show was created as a contest for Lincoln-related art only with the best of the juried show being purchased by Lincoln Days. That Purchase Award has carried through the years. The Collection now has more than 45 pieces of original artwork on display. Over the years the show has grown to include an Open Division for a variety of mediums, a LaRue County Division open only to LaRue County residents, and and a photography division open to all.
The pieces currently in the collection contain oils, watercolors, pen and ink, collage, wood sculpture and photography. The artists are from Kentucky and surrounding states and include four native-LaRue-Countians. All the works are original pieces.
The entire collection is on permanent exhibit at The Lincoln Museum in downtown Hodgenville.
1973 “Summer”, Watercolor
Don Hewitt
1974 “Lincoln’s Birthplace”, Oil
Elizabeth Davis
1974 “The Cabin at Sinking Spring”, Watercolor
Polly Trombore
1975 “Home from School”, Oil
Mildred Colvin
1975 “Untitled”, Watercolor
Betty Mitchell
1976 “An Early Inspiration”, Oil
Sandra Schaap
1976 “I Took Care of a New Salem Store”, Watercolor
Lynn Jones
1977 “The Lincoln Story”, Oil
Maria Simmons
1978 “Boyhood Musings”, Watercolor
Irma Pfannmoeller
1978 “Lincoln’s Favorite Book”, Pen and Ink
Elizabeth Atwell
1978 “Untitled”, Oil
Robert Grubbs
1979 “Inflation”, Pen and Ink
Maria Simmons
1980 “Lincoln”, Pastel
Irma Pfannmoeller
1980 “The President with Son, Tad”, Oil
Maria Simmons
1981 “Lincoln Accented”, Pen and Ink
Sonny Rogers
1982 “Lincoln”, Pen and Pencil
Kent Young
1983 “Lincoln Composition”, Collage
Mark Marturello
1984 “Untitled”, Collage
Joyce Knight
1985 “Farrow’s End”, Collage
Gary Williams
1986 “Young Abe’s Study”, Wood Sculpture
Robert Brandt
1987 “Daughters of the Civil War”, collage
Regina Williams
1988 No Purchase Award
1989 “Lincoln Collage” , collage
Carita Brent
1990 “Lincoln’s Last Days”, collage
Joyce Knight
1991 “Approaching Storm”, watercolor
Drew Johnson
1992 “Abraham & Mary in the White House”, watercolor
Drew Johnson
1993 No Purchase Award—-No Competitive Show—Collection Exhibit Only
1994 “Mr. Lincoln”, mixed media
Ken Baldwin
1995 “Lincoln In Wood”, three dimensional on plywood
Drew Johnson
1996 “If I Could Save The Union”, watercolor
Mary Lou Hall
1997 “Lincoln Remembered”, pencil
Tami Himes
1998 “Blood of Our Brothers”, pastel
Tom Poole
1999 “Gettysburg Address”, pen & ink
Drew Johnson
2000 “Lincoln Sketch”, color pencil
Tami Himes
2001 “Lawyer Lincoln”, etched black granite
Drew Johnson
2002 “President Lincoln”, old English scratchboard
Dorothy Meadors
2003 “Stars & Stripes”, pencil scratch
Bethany Rock Smith
2004 “Mr. Lincoln”, watercolor
Elsie Hall
2005 “The Younger Lincoln”, oil on canvas
Patricia Phillips
2006 “Hodgenville on Nolin Creek”, oil on canvas
Sherrill Williams
2007 “Young Lincoln Railsplitter”, woodcarving
Kenneth Exler
2008 “Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial” , acrylic
Carla Phillips
2009 “Gettysburg Prose”, oil
Wes Kendall
2010 “Young Lawyer Lincoln”, pencil
Carol Thompson
2011 “Mr. President”, graphite
Drew Johnson
2012 “Abe”, oil
William Frye
2013 “Lincoln”, graphite
Joe Myers
2014 “Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Governors of Kentucky”, mixed media
Carla Phillips
2015 “Farewell Illinois”, oil
William Frye
2016 “Freedom Comes”, oil
Wes Kendall
2017 “Casualties”, oil
Wes Kendall
2018 “Tribute”, paper
Adrian & Hannah Sanchez
2019 “Abraham Lincoln”, oil
Brandon Whelan
2020 No Purchase Award – No Competitive Show due to COVID-19
2021 “Lincoln, Esq.”, watercolor
Terri Friel
2022 “Abraham Lincoln”, graphite/charcoal
Samuel Trask
2023 “Abe”, oil
Brandon Whelan